The conversations around our healing have been siloed.

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There is A LOT that is not working for Black Indigenous & People of Color. A lot were not connecting & a lot that needs to be named.

As BIPOC, many of our identity issues are closely intertwined with racism. So much that it impacts our mental health, everyday life and ability to make decisions. But because of white supremacy this keeps BIPOC in silence afraid to speak about it. We’re not doing that anymore.

BIPOC have had enough of the BS, tip-toeing around whiteness for fear of hurting the fragile white ego; putting others comfort above their own; upholding systems of white supremacy and hurting themselves and each other in the process. We’re not doing that anymore either.

There’s a lot of talk about healing and a lot about dismantling systems of oppression. But there is very little talk about “how” we do that. And even less talk about the fact that they’re inextricably connected; you can’t address one without the other. That’s not flying for us either.

The conversations around our healing have been siloed & we’ve managed to separate the systemic from the personal, the political from the self all at the expense of our own mental health and wellbeing. We are not doing that anymore. We’re so tired of sitting in spaces where BIPOC are being discussed as something external, happening to “those marginalized people” over there. Guess what, “we” are those people over there. Things need to be named & harm needs to be pointed out. And history needs to be used to contextualize all of this.

Cristina Garcia